The best baby showers, in my opinion, are more about gathering and celebrating and less about entertaining. There are a select few Baby Shower traditions and games that I love. I think the opportunity to share your favorite advice for mom is my favorite. I remember reading the lovely notes of wisdom and love from my first baby shower and treasuring them as a new mom.
I love the variety of advice given;
from very practical “You must have a baby swing,”to lovely quotes, such as “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” ~Abraham Lincoln,to offers of support, like “Know that you are never alone. I am here for you anytime, even if it’s just to hold the baby for an hour while you nap.”
My preferred nugget of wisdom usually goes something like this, “There is no one way to be a perfect mom. Trust your instincts. Take in what you like and let go of the rest.”
Let’s create our own virtual version of this game for The 4th Time Around Baby Shower. Imagine we’ve decorated the room and used one of these lovely ideas from Pinterest:
Wishes for Baby, Advice for Mum

Baby Shower Advice Photo Booth

Onesie Cut Outs for Baby Shower Advice

Now it’s your turn! Share your favorite piece of advice or wishes for baby here in the comments section, then visit Gift #1 and Gift #2 for extra entries into our #4thTimeBabyShower!
The best piece of advice I got when I found out I was pregnant was to sleep when the baby sleeps! A friend also told me not to worry about other people’s comments about your style of doing things, because everyone does things differently! Thank you!
Don’t worry about being the mother you’ve always wanted to be, just be the mother your baby needs you to be.
The sleep when the baby sleeps is good advice for the first baby but not so helpful if you have other children. My best advice was to trust your instincts and no one knows your family better than you.
My mother gave me the best advice and just told me, “Do what works. And remember, what may work today may not work tomorrow” 🙂 Love it. A funny piece of advice is the “Sleep when baby sleeps, eat when baby eats, do laundry when baby does laundry” 😉
My best advice is don’t feel like you have to do it all, let others hold the baby, change the baby or get the baby to sleep sometimes. Rest is hard to come by in those first few weeks, but don’t try to be supermom, accept and ASK For any and all help you need. And take advantage of even a short break from baby and take a shower!
hrm i really did not get any at my baby shower. but my best advice is : if you breast feed. dont give up on your hardest days. and the first 8 weeks or so are tuff as the kid is a constant eating machine.
Children are only young once.
My best advice it to not worry about little things. Treasure them, because they are only little for a small amount of time
You don’t need to figure everything out before baby arrives. You will have time to figure things out as you go… just find a good friend you can trust and/or a good book to look up dvice and have them on hand as you do one day at a time.
Best advice was to swaddle baby for sleep, don’t panic as it gets better, reach out for help if you feel distressed and to sleep or nap when baby does! 🙂
Don’t have any preconceived notions about how your baby must sleep, eat, etc. Every baby is different and you need to learn what they want.
This too shall pass! It was such a lightbulb moment when a good friend gave me this advice when I was sleep deprived and a little bit miserable. It’s so true, sometimes is just good to be reminded!
Listen to baby & trust yourself as a mother, you’re the one who knows your child best & what is best for your child.
Best piece of advice I got at my shower was to never take advantage of this newborn stage. They’re only this little once!
What a cute idea. I like shower games that leave a little legacy for the new baby.
I’m not a mom yet, but I would say cherish each moment that you have because it will be gone too soon!
You’ll sleep again, I promise!!
Enjoy every moment! Even the late nights because they come with snuggles that won’t last very long and they will be grown and independent before you know it!
The dishes can wait. Get baby snuggles every chance you get because they aren’t babies for long 🙁
What’s clipzine and how did my baby shower chalkboard get here haha 🙂 glad you like it! x
I searched everywhere to see if the image was anywhere but clipzine. 🙂 Like I mentioned, please let me know if I can ever add a different link to direct this back to you.