The Picture Keeper Drive makes it easy to find, store, and use digital photos.
Remember when you had a drawer filled with rolls of film just waiting to be processed? Once you printed the pictures, they stayed in a handy envelope or you put your favorites in an album. Finding a favorite photo could be a bit tricky if you were disorganized.
Today, our family’s digital photos are stored by the thousands, tucked away in digital folders on our desktop, laptop, phones, camera, and external drive. This provides much more freedom to use and share photos. It also means it can be challenging to find a picture or only keep the best shots.
The Picture Keeper recognizes photo storage woes and has created a portable, digital option to solve them. Here’s How:
Insert the Picture Keeper Drive into your computer and it automatically finds and saves your pictures. You can then use the drive in a digital picture frame or just store it away.
The Picture Keeper Drive is incredibly convenient.
- No software to install, wires to connect, passwords to remember, or monthly fees.
- Use on multiple computers; both PC and Mac compatible.
- Once one Picture Keeper fills, just use another and the second will continue where the first left off.
- Automatically skips duplicate photos
- Works well with all photo organizing softwares like Kodak Easy Share, Picasa, etc.
- Easily use with your digital photo frame, favorite print kiosk or keep in a fire proof safe.
You will want to upload any photos from your phone or camera before using the drive or simply download the Picture Keeper mobile app. Once this is done, you can sort through your folder first to delete blurry or unwanted photos or wait to do that in your picture keeper.

The storage capacity of your Picture Keeper Drive definitely depends on the size of your photos. We tried a PK8 and a PK16. I really appreciated how they took the headache out of searching for photos and the worry out of storing them. I would recommend purchasing the PK32 or the pro if you have years of family, vacation, and digital professional sessions stored like we do. It is definitely the most cost effective way to go!
Would you like to win your own Picture Keeper PK8? Enter to win below – Open to US and Canada.
Did a restore of picture keeper pro backup into a brand new desktop computer, assisted by a company rep. After much difficulty even locating any restored pictures, I did find them in a remote location. Here is a summary list of my experiences:
1. Many duplicates
2. Thousands of pictures missing of the 7,000 I had backed up.
3. Representative promised to arrange for remote tech support to fix the problem.
4. Five phone calls and messages left by me, no return call, no tech support.
5. Pictures which were found: no organization, no folders as advertised. A non-stop stream of photos which I can do nothing with.
6. I had Amazon Prime upload my Cloud pictures onto the computer, so I at least have those 460 photos, and they are in folders and organized beautifully.
I hope you have much better luck if you purchase this product. Customer support is non-existent and it does not perform as promised on their product videos. My experience was quite stressful.