You've probably been bullied or harassed at some point in your life. You've certainly witnessed bullying at school, on the street, in public transportation, even at home. Bullying happens regularly, perpetrated by kids and adults, and it's likely our kids are exposed to it too. … [Read more...]
Talking to My White Children About Racism
My oldest son overheard me angrily telling his father, "Another shooting of an unarmed black man in the news" and instantly wanted to know what we were talking about. I shushed him and sent him back to bed, telling myself that a 7-year-old should be protected from the news. … [Read more...]
Why Politically Correct is Not an Insult
I sat in the congregation listening to a supposed sermon on the basics of the gospel. The focus soon turned to the family, with an introduction by the speaker to Webster's definition of the term before the dictionary became "politically correct." *Cue laughter from the crowd.* I … [Read more...]
Feminism: Why it’s for my Sons Too
When I speak up about gender inequality, sexism, and media bias through a feminist lens, it's natural to frame this as "for my daughter." After all, things that have irked or bothered me throughout my own life are now influencing my daughter. She is growing older … [Read more...]
Sometimes I catch the eye of a woman wearing a hijab and smile a greeting. She returns my smile and it reaches her eyes. In that moment, I wonder if there is anything lovelier than a scarf perfectly framing her face. I stood in line behind a woman at an … [Read more...]