Three years ago, a local photographer shot some of my favorite family photos at a city park. I've mean to take "official" family photos again over the years, but we simply haven't. I decided it was time to do something about our gap in family photos recently and scheduled a … [Read more...]
The Gift of Perspective
Last night I received the gift of perspective. As the couple entered our home, I steeled myself for their critical eye. We feverishly cleaned and de-cluttered before they arrived. Despite our best efforts, the house's imperfections seemed glaring. I hoped the positives would … [Read more...]
The Other Side of 35
I'm now closer to 40 than I am to 30. And I'm okay with it. My older sisters warned me to watch out for the accidental 35 baby. I bucked the trend and had a baby at 35 on purpose. Ella, in her frank eight year-old fashion, heard I was turning 36 and declared me "Old!" … [Read more...]
Baby Brings Out Our Best
Mom, can I hold baby? The baby really likes me! I calmed him down. He's SO cute! Baby is crying mom. You can't leave him alone! Look, he's happy! Before baby came, I worried that his siblings might feel jealous. I wondered if they'd feel neglected. I thought the … [Read more...]
10 Years
We had the day off on Monday and Grandma kindly volunteered to babysit, so we celebrated our 10 year anniversary a few days early. I racked my brain for something exciting and anniversary-like to do. In reality, we mainly just wanted to enjoy each other's company and … [Read more...]