Here's what I think of your reasons not to have children. One word: Awesome. I know I'm a "mommy blogger" and "mom" to four, so it's my responsibility to help the world understand why motherhood is the highest calling any woman can have. Except motherhood has made me keenly … [Read more...]
Hand it Back
A terrific woman took a moment to vent about a last minute assignment she received to arrange babysitting for a church activity. This can be a big job, requiring time to coordinate and recruit, and it's much appreciated by families with young children. It turns out her … [Read more...]
How to Host a Friendship Party
We usually wait for a special occasion to throw a party - a holiday, birthday, or milestone. My kids spend months dreaming up birthday plans, imagining a cake, playing party games in their heads. Sometimes we bake cupcakes after school just for fun. I've even thrown an impromptu … [Read more...]
Swimming in the Deep End: Why Cloth Community Day #clothcommunity
Support Respect Friendship These are the reasons I log into the cloth diaper community every day. When I tried cloth diapers on my son six years ago, I quickly discovered a small, enthusiastic community eager to help, chat, advise, and befriend me. I'm interested in … [Read more...]
Cloth Community Day February 2nd! #clothcommunity
Cloth Community Day Celebrates Diversity and Unity #ClothCommunity Cloth diaper community invited to share positive messages with the #clothcommunity hashtag on Social Media Outlets, February 2, 2015 Cloth diaper enthusiasts are invited to share positive affirmations on … [Read more...]