Are you ready to throw an awesome Goosebumps birthday party? The Goosebumps book series by R.L. Stine emerged in children's literature in 1992 and continues to gain new readers, including my 9 year-old son. His school librarian highlighted the series this October and he … [Read more...]
4 Minecraft Party Games You Can DIY in No Time
My two oldest kids are Minecraft-crazy. They love watching Stampy Longhead videos (AHHHHHHH! - Sorry, I just had to let that out) and building their own worlds. While Minecraft isn't my thing, I'm amazed by their creativity and enjoy seeing them play together. This Minecraft … [Read more...]
How to Host a Friendship Party
We usually wait for a special occasion to throw a party - a holiday, birthday, or milestone. My kids spend months dreaming up birthday plans, imagining a cake, playing party games in their heads. Sometimes we bake cupcakes after school just for fun. I've even thrown an impromptu … [Read more...]