Watching my kids with technology over Spring Break has me thinking. What would they say if they had to travel back in time to the '80s and '90s when I was a kid? Would they even know what to do in a DVD store? What if they couldn't recharge the walkman? Would dial-up internet … [Read more...]
I’ll Never Be Enough
I want my children to feel safe, secure, and whole. But I'll never be enough. I want my kids to act with confidence, move beyond their mistakes, and learn to forgive. But I'll never be enough. I want to chase away all of my children's fears, subdue their anger, and heal all … [Read more...]
The Other Side of 35
I'm now closer to 40 than I am to 30. And I'm okay with it. My older sisters warned me to watch out for the accidental 35 baby. I bucked the trend and had a baby at 35 on purpose. Ella, in her frank eight year-old fashion, heard I was turning 36 and declared me "Old!" … [Read more...]
A Family Movie Adventure
"You watched Swiss Family Robinson too?" "Oh, ya. I loved the coconut grenades." "I loved the kissing." A friend recently sold VHS tapes from her collection and I decided to grab up a few, including The Swiss Family Robinson, a classic I loved as a child. We love VHS tapes at … [Read more...]
Look Out 34, Here I Come!
I remember when my 10 year high school reunion arrived and I felt *gasp* older. Fifteen years just saw the light of day last year and it didn't even catch my radar. Four years ago, 30 seemed frightening. I see 35 ahead, but it doesn't bother me as much as I suspected it … [Read more...]