Every 10 weeks, I enjoy a week-long break between graduate school terms. This past week, I promised my kids I would finally paint their bedrooms, but I needed some painting tips. Both of my older children have attic rooms with great character, including awesome nooks. My … [Read more...]
Simple, Daily Family Calendar
As the kids get older, our schedule gets busier and we need a daily family calendar. I like our dry erase monthly calendar to prepare and plan ahead. The monthly calendar isn't very useful for my in-the-moment kids, though, so I made a simple, daily family calendar with a 5 … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Sort Toys and Keep on Top of the Clutter
Our family recently prepared to move and determined that we needed to cut down on our stuff addiction. Despite my enthusiasm for becoming "stuff free," I dreaded tackling the toy room with its overabundance of toys for three and perpetual chaos. I've shared some of my toy room … [Read more...]
BunchaFarmers All Natural Stain Remover Review
As a mom of three busy kids and a somewhat messy cook, I know a lot about stains. I wish I knew more more about stain removal. I've tried multiple solutions to tackle dirt, food, and art stains, with mixed results. Online communities are full of advice and I noticed a consistent … [Read more...]