This post is part of the Cloth Diapering Bloggers and Dirty Diaper Laundry hosted Cloth Diaper Carnival that is held every month. Many bloggers get together and write about the same topic. This month is “Where did you first hear about/ see cloth diapers?” One lovely Saturday … [Read more...]
Cheat Sheet for Cloth Diaper Newbies
I can say with full confidence that I've obsessively googled cloth-diapering related topics. When I realized how much the web had to offer on this topic, I wanted to know everything I possibly could before making a decision. Once I decided on cloth diapering itself, I wanted to … [Read more...]
Fluff Talk Thursdays #6: Fuzzibunz In-and-Out Diaper Bag
As anyone who's read some of my older posts knows, I decided to begin my cloth diapering adventure using the Diaper Daisy Diaper Trial. Sara, the terrific owner of this shop, includes a Fuzzibunz Mess Free In and Out Diaper Bag with each trial. When I first opened the package and … [Read more...]
How I Became a Cloth Diaper Convert
I used to visit the grocery store and think a little about budget, but mostly considered convenience and taste. I tried to be wise with my money, but consistently splurged. A Washingtonian, I've recycled most of my life, but didn't explore many more "green" ways of living. My … [Read more...]
Diaper Decision Time
Blogging about my cloth diapering adventures has created some fun opportunities to connect with other cloth diapering moms. It's gratifying to know that people are interested in your experiences and ideas. I've come to decision time, but I'm having the most difficult time. I … [Read more...]