I experienced changing my first cloth diaper change at 12. The parents of this darling little boy were stereotypical birkenstock-wearing, organic food-eating, avid recycling Seattlelites. Perhaps the image many people have when they think of cloth diapering "types." They'd … [Read more...]
1 Week in: My Cloth Diapering Discoveries
Anyone who knows me well will tell you I like new things. I'm that person who tries a fresh shampoo and raves about it, reads a book and recommends it, and hears about a new idea and researches it. In fact, if you want more info about something, I like nothing better than to be … [Read more...]
Diaper Daisy Cloth Diaper Trial
A friend of mine piqued my interest in cloth diapers this past year during a play date. While playing outside, I saw a clothing line with baby clothes and cloth diapers blowing in the breeze. I asked about the cloth diaper and she told me how she used them with her first (about 5 … [Read more...]
Cloth Diaper Pictures
I recommend a great fitting AIO, like this awesome Pac Man Custom from Modified Momma Creations. We love Fuzzibunz for their fit from birth and their adjustable one size! The imposing performance graduates with my highlight. … [Read more...]
Cloth Diaper Story
I used to visit the grocery store and think a little about budget, but mostly considered convenience and taste. I tried to be wise with my money, but consistently splurged. A Washingtonian, I've recycled most of my life, but didn't explore many more "green" ways of living. My … [Read more...]