Fat Bodies During my teenage years, I knew I wasn't thin enough. I had curves, but I was not athletic or particularly active, so my rounded belly, curvaceous hips, and thick thighs stood out to me. I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome as a teen and, although regularly … [Read more...]
My Body
I'm not certain when I learned to hate my body. When I started defining it by what it wasn't instead of what it is. When I came to despise my hips and thighs and cover up - not for modesty - but to hide my flaws. When I looked in the mirror and saw … [Read more...]
Mom on a Bike
I rode a bike today. It was scary. It was exciting. It was painful. It was precarious. I fell off. In public. I dreaded being a heavy woman riding in public and making a fool of myself. I'm not sure why. When I see women on bikes - no matter their size - I think, … [Read more...]
Makes and Bakes By Stephanie Giveaway
Many people can bake. Some people even bake well. Others are true bakers. My friend Stephanie from Makes and Bakes by Stephanie is not only a baker, but a baking wizard. Whether you are looking for homemade indulgent treats, fresh bread for your family, or keto-friendly goodies, … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Starting Keto
I learned the word "keto" two summers ago, when my nephew focused on "keto-friendly" foods throughout our family reunion. He and his Dad both struggled with extra weight and unhealthy eating habits, so they decided to try a new way of eating. Their weight loss wowed me, but I was … [Read more...]