Sometimes I put a cloth diaper company in a box. They create one style of diaper that excels and the company's name becomes synonymous for that style. When it comes to Bummis, I think fabulous, absorbent, adorable fitteds and covers. Our stash includes Bummis Flannel Fitteds, … [Read more...]
Tots Bots Easyfit Star Cloth Diaper Review
Tots Bots sent us a surprise package a few weeks ago with a their brand new cloth diaper style. I make no secret of my love for this UK cloth diaper brand, so I couldn't wait to get the new Tots Bots Easyfit Star All-in-One (AIO) on my son! The Easyfit Star didn't disappoint … [Read more...]
Gerber Cloth Diaper Giveaway – 20 Winners!
Just a few weeks ago, Gerber announced the launch of their new all in one (AIO) clothdiaper. As a cloth diapering advocate and parent, this is really exciting news. Already carried by major retailers including Target and Amazon, this product is likely to reach consumers well … [Read more...]
Merry Fluffy Christmas – Win a Baby Undersocks and Thirsties LE Black OS AIO Prize Package!
Giveaway Closed, but two awesome product reviews remain! Here at The Inquisitive Mom, I'm excited to bring you an awesome prize pack, with 3 fabulous products. The first is a pair of Baby Undersocks, soon to be an essential item in your baby's wardrobe. The second is a Thirsties … [Read more...]