Many people can bake. Some people even bake well. Others are true bakers. My friend Stephanie from Makes and Bakes by Stephanie is not only a baker, but a baking wizard. Whether you are looking for homemade indulgent treats, fresh bread for your family, or keto-friendly goodies, … [Read more...]
Mama Suds Dishwasher Powder Review
I've used eco-friendly detergent to clean cloth diapers for years and used commercially and homemade cleaning solutions around the house. I generally find that cleaners don't need chlorine bleach, synthetic fragrances, and sulfuric acid to do the job of keeping a home clean. I'll … [Read more...]
How to Support a Small Business with Pokemon Go
Are you looking for a way to support small, local businesses? Try taking your Pokemon Go game to your nearest local businesses. Small towns are ideal for playing Pokemon Go with small children and your game can bring more customers to local shops. Here's how you can support a … [Read more...]
There is No VS: Why Innovation and Competition are Healthy for the Splatter Control Niche
I own a wide variety of cloth diaper brands. I have several totes and diaper bags from different businesses. I've tried several cloth diaper safe creams and detergents. I use many types of wet bags. I am a customer at several online natural parenting shops. I have a Keeper … [Read more...]